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Reinvigor8 - Embrace Your Power & Transform Your Life

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment?

Have you ever felt like there's more to life but you're unsure how to unlock it?
Are you longing to break free from the cycle of self-sabotage, self-doubt or overwhelm?
What if you could finally step into your personal power and create a life you're excited by.

In just 4 weeks, Reinvigor8 offers you the opportunity to completely transform your relationship with yourself, boost your confidence, enhance your resilience, and become a happier, more fulfilled individual.


What you can expect from Reinvigor8


Understand the Power of Your Subconscious: Your subconscious mind holds immense power, often influencing your thoughts, emotions, and actions without you even realising it. By delving into the depths of your mind, you can uncover hidden beliefs, fears, and desires that shape your life. Through guided exploration and introspection, you'll learn to tap into this subconscious, unlocking your true potential and transforming your life from within.


Understand the Impact of Chronic Fight and Flight: In today's world, our bodies can often remain in a state of constant alertness, known as the fight-or-flight response. While originally designed to protect us from immediate danger, this prolonged activation can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. By gaining insight into how this sustained fight-flight mode affects us, we can recognise the signs and manage them effectively. Armed with this understanding, we can reclaim control over our reactions, implementing strategies to reduce stress and build resilience. Ultimately, by addressing this underlying response, we can live with greater ease and vitality, free from the burden of chronic stress.


Explore Your Beliefs and Behaviours: Our beliefs and behaviors are deeply rooted in our subconscious minds, often influencing our thoughts, feelings, and actions on a subconscious level. By exploring the origins of your unsupportive beliefs and behaviors, you'll uncover the underlying patterns and triggers that keep you stuck. Through targeted exercises and self-reflection, you'll learn effective strategies to challenge and reframe these beliefs, empowering you to break free from old patterns and create positive change in your life.


Build a Personalised Toolkit: No two individuals are alike, which is why it's essential to equip yourself with a personalised toolkit tailored to your unique needs and preferences. From mindfulness practices to stress-relief techniques, you'll discover a diverse array of powerful strategies designed to support you on your journey of transformation. These tools will not only help you navigate challenges with greater ease but also empower you to cultivate resilience, confidence, and self-awareness as you step into your power.


Boost Confidence and Assertiveness: Confidence and assertiveness are essential qualities that enable you to live your life with clarity, purpose, and conviction. Through targeted exercises and practical techniques, you'll learn to cultivate these qualities from within, building a strong foundation of self-assurance and self-belief. As you embrace your inherent worth and capabilities, you'll feel more empowered to assert your needs, set boundaries, and follow your heart path with confidence and ease.


In Reinvigor8, you'll join a community of women who are:

  • Ready to break free from limiting beliefs and behaviours and embrace their true potential.

  • Longing to cultivate resilience and confidence in every aspect of their lives.

  • Seeking a supportive environment where they can grow and thrive.

I'm Megan, an experienced Resolve Practitioner and Kinesiologist with thousands of face-to-face clinic hours. I invite you to join me in Reinvigor8, where I'll guide you through uncovering and releasing the blocks stopping you from living your best life.


I'm committed to unraveling the story behind your challenges—whether they manifest mentally, emotionally, physically, or energetically—and empowering you with the awareness and understanding you need to overcome them.

Let's embark on this extraordinary journey together. It's time to unlock your potential and create a life you're excited by.

Send me an email with any questions and discover if Reinvigor8 is the right fit for you OR if you're excited by the possibilities of true transformation and working toward a life of Empowerment, Resilience, Confidence, Happiness click the join now button.

If you are ready to say yes, click the join now button.

Join now for $429

Week 1


This step involves recognising most symptoms you may be experiencing can be connected to a sustained fight and flight response.



Now that you can recognise your symptoms are part of a fight or flight response, we look for the reason you're in fight or flight.


Week 2


Here you look at how you respond or are responding in terms of thinking and feeling in relation to the your reason (from step 2).


This step involves understanding that you are responsible for your response. You will learn the power of owning it.

Thinking of Ideas

Week 3


Resources give you room and in this step we will create a personalised set of go-to’s for support when you are stuck in fight/flight. 


You will learn why you hold onto things that no longer serve you and learn some techniques to let them go. 

Balloons Floating in the Air

Week 4


Here you work on replacing your old unsupportive meanings with new more supportive strategies until you transform.


Reflection is done throughout every stage but at this stage we are looking at what has changed for you in this process. 

Little Girl Praying


1. What is the Reinvigor8 program all about?

Reinvigor8 is a comprehensive personal growth and self-discovery program designed to help you uncover and change the limiting stories and behaviours that impact your ability to have the best experience of life. By doing this you can explore your potential, set meaningful goals, and take intentional steps towards a more fulfilling life.


2. Who is the program suitable for?

The Reinvigor8 program is suitable for anyone who is eager to invest in their personal growth journey. It's designed to benefit individuals seeking greater self-awareness, enhanced confidence, and more resilience.


3. What can I expect from the weekly sessions?

The weekly zoom sessions offer education, guided discussions, self-reflection exercises and practical tools. You'll engage in meaningful conversations, share insights, and learn from fellow participants.


4. How long is the program?

The Reinvigor8 program spans 4 weeks, with the sessions held weekly online. The duration ensures ample time for exploration, awareness and understanding around unsupportive meaning which puts us into a sustained fight/flight and creates symptoms.


5. Is this program conducted online or in-person?

The program is conducted online, making it accessible and convenient for participants to join from anywhere with an internet connection.


6. What size are the program groups?

To ensure a personalised experience, each program group consists of a small, close-knit community of no more than 8 participants.


7. Will my personal information be shared with others in the group?

Your privacy is important to us. Personal sharing is optional, and any information shared during sessions is treated with confidentiality.


8. What are the benefits of joining a small group experience?

Joining a small group offers a supportive community, diverse perspectives, shared learning, mutual encouragement, and a safe space for open discussions.


9. How will this program help me with personal growth?

Reinvigor8 provides a structured framework for recognising, reassessing, and releasing unsupportive beliefs and behaviours. You'll develop self-awareness, enhance your confidence, and receive tools to implement positive changes.


10. What are the tangible outcomes of participating in Reinvigor8?

Participants often experience improved self-confidence, a clearer sense of purpose, enhanced resilience, and a change in how they are responding to life’s difficult situations.


11. How do I secure my spot in the program?

To secure your spot, simply hit the join now button on this page.


12. Is there any pre-requisite for joining?

There are no specific prerequisites to joining however we will be sending you a video about the fight flight response that you will need to watch prior to our first session and and eBook for you to read..


13. How can I learn more or ask specific questions about the program?

Send any questions via email


14. What if I'm not satisfied with the program?

We are committed to your satisfaction. If for any reason you need to stop or suspend your experience please reach out as we are happy to discuss your options.

15. Can I miss a week and still catch up?

We strongly encourage you to be available for all 4 sessions as you will get the most benefit from being there live. However, we do understand emergencies happen, if that is the case we can provide a pre-recorded version for you to listen to. (our live sessions are not recorded for the privacy of the group)


Reinvigor8 has helped me have a happier outlook and given me the skills to have a more proactive approach to challenges.


Reinvigor8 exceeded my expectations, it was an insightful 4 weeks. It opened my eyes to how much I want to change and work on. Some great info and strategies to start using.


I knew it would be good, I knew it would add value to my life. I just didn't realsie the shift it would actually have on my life.


I just completed the Reinvigor8 course and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to move past the blocks they are facing in their life.


I have done a number of personal and self-development courses in the past and this was by far the most impactful for me. What I love about the course is that I saw real changes in myself and my automatic responses to situations.


For the first time in my life I feel like I can ACTUALLY create the life of my dreams. I immediately began finding it easy to make the changes I'd always desired to implement after starting and completing the course. I loved how effortless the course was, as it required a very achievable amount of time and energy each week.


I also really appreciated how wonderful and supportive Megan and Carolyn were throughout the whole process. If you want to become the best version of you, do Reinvigor8 because it's worth it!

Send me an email with any questions and discover if Reinvigor8 is the right fit for you OR if you're excited by the possibilities of true transformation and working toward a life of Empowerment, Resilience, Confidence, Happiness click the join now button.

Join today for $429

The work we do in Reinvigor8 might be triggering for some people. Deep self-awareness work can be challenging (but worth it). While we will take all care and have strategies in place to support you, we always recommend you consult your preferred medical practitioner. We also have a referral network of Resolve practitioners you can book into for extra support if you would like it.

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