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Resolve Sessions

WELLBEING is a delicate balance of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual harmony.

In today's fast-paced society, it's all too easy for our wellbeing to be compromised by the demands of daily life. We can easily get stuck in patterns, just getting through each day feeling like we're going through the motions, not really engaged or enthusiastic about our life.

With a niggling feeling that life isn't meant to be like this, but not knowing what to do to change it your WELLBEING will be affected and symptoms will occur.

It's time to get excited about your life again, we can help you uncover and let go of old outdated stories and patterns keeping you stuck doing the same and longing for a change.

Using muscle testing we access your subconscious and work toward changing your response to unresolved and traumatic life experiences so you can start living the best version of your life motivated and created by you.

The list below covers some symptoms that will affect your wellbeing. 

*Please note for first time clients you must book a minimum 90min session. 

Traveller Meditating
  • Weight management

  • Relationship problems

  • Physical pain and sporting injuries

  • Emotional issues

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Sleep issues

  • Poor self-esteem

  • Addictions

  • Fears and phobias

  • Low energy levels

  • Long term unresolved complaints

Email Megan to book a free 10 minute discovery call.

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